Afterward, we received the visit of Julio Anguita, former mayor of Córdoba and General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida from 1989 to 2000, period of time when this organization had its best electoral results. He has been also deputy for three terms, writer, columnist and professor at the University of Cordoba. His talk, entitled “Human rights: a universal law”, analyzed the main contents of the articles of such a law and the importance of its being respected for the states, which, although they signed it, systematically fail to comply with it. The students of 4th of ESO and 1st of Bachillerato raised interesting questions which were answered by the speaker responded in a close and most pedagogical way
Julio Anguita is a teacher who knows how to transmit his knowledge and experience, always from honesty, trying to stir consciences and provoke an active and critical reflection among young people. After all, they are the future and should be familiar to such a valuable tool of advancement in our society as the document of the International Declaration of Human Rights, whose day is celebrated on December 10.
After the two conferences, the students held an interview with the speakers, soon to be published by the school.
Our intention has been to set out concerns among the students and fostering their sense of solidarity and reflection about the injustices that can be eradicated with a courageous and critical attitude. We thank the two speakers for their generosity and their closeness and we look forward to have them with us in further occasions.